Sunday, November 10, 2013


Watched the movie Gravity yesterday. It triggered another one of those random thoughts which I couldn't resist penning down. Gravity unlike most other movies is not about super heroes or heroes who are super; neither about gadgets or villains but a 90 minute snippet about survival in the vastness of space! There is humour, there is charm, there is suspense, there is spirituality and there is a connect. It's hard to miss for those looking to read between the lines, that it's meant to be a slice of life depicting the resilience in the face of adversity. 

Sandra Bullock's characterisation Dr. Ryan Stone is a grieving mother who is just drifting through life with little or no enthusiasm. George Clooney's characterisation Mission Commander Matt Kowalski, a veteran in the field, while still oozing charm inspite of the helmet :-), is like a guardian angel or as some would interpret, the inner resilience urging you to not give up! The whole movie draws on the metaphor for life's struggles and not letting go of the hope to survive - Gravity is that force which keeps you grounded and prevents you from just drifting on without a sense of direction! 

Like many others, I have had my go at trying to unravel those overwhelming questions around life's purpose. In the process, I have dealt with those myriad losses and the disappointments over things not going my way by simply numbing the pain or finding an escape chute or even concluding that the grapes are sour!   This movie for me therefore  kindled a sense of enlightenment that 'Life' is not about finding a purpose. Purpose for me used to be a milestone or a destination. Life like what the wise have said is a journey, the meaning and the reason to go on is to experience those momentary joys and small achievements. All survival stories have taught us the same thing, that what one has to let go is the baggages and not the faith. 

As Kowalski says in the movie, 'you have to live to tell the story'. The struggle to survive therefore takes a new meaning, the aftermath is therefore akin to a rebirth. Throughout the odyssey, resignation and hope play a tango, but to be reborn you have to take that leap of faith!! 

'Landing is launching' Kowalski says and rightly so because when you find your feet grounded again, you are recharged and ready to take off again - Don't let go, get on with life!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Man of Steel

From comics to movies, Superman is a super hero that I grew up with. Man of Steel therefore was a  much awaited one and a "must see" on my list!
With the release on the 14th June '13, I went in with a lot of anticipation. While I sat through the entire movie with the loyalty for that superman that I grew up knowing, I was a bit confused about my reaction to the movie though! "Different!" was one word that I could sum up my first impression. Movie started with the familiar track of superman's birth and entry on earth. While all earlier versions started with Clark and interesting scenes protecting his alter ego from Lois Lane, this one took me by surprise since it was vice versa! For me superman was that hero who can never kill, loyalist to earth & humanity (though there are versions that this was a deliberate american move to foster immigrant loyalty!), an extremely good soul whose only reason for being was saving the world and its people! The delight factor was the seeing the 'human side' of Superman and I must admit that it moved me a lot to see the struggle he experiences in discovering truths about his origin and the soul searching all through, ultimately the realisation that for the man of steel, "being human" was paramount, even if it meant destroying the last survivors of his race.
What didn't gel was the maniacal destruction that it involved from buildings to life! That for me was not super man! I missed the thrill of Clark Kent evading Lois's attempt in unravelling his true identity! Missed his best friend Jimmy Olsen and Lex Luthor! And the final straw was when he kills!!! That for me was hard to accept!!!! For me superman can never kill!!!! 
While I missed the amazing Christopher Reeves, I couldn't help but drool over the hotttt Henry Cavill! All through his portrayal of the role, he brought in the vulnerability to the invulnerable Super hero and that I think was the clincher which made me sit through and relish the scenes! Ignore the overkill on action and destruction on the last 45 minutes though and the irrelevant link up to the 'S' being kryptonian for hope and not Superman! Some of these things could be taken with a pinch of salt! 

I realised that I watched the movie unlike a Superman movie and enjoyed the 'difference' since what was unacceptable, made my think 'why not'!!!

However do hope that the sequel in the making portrays the man of steel for what he has always stood for - Social Responsibility and the fact that abilities that you are born with are given! What you grow up into is what matters!!

So my take - Watch it but not with the superman fan hat off your head!