Friday, April 15, 2011

Of books and borrowers

When I think of the day, I started reading books, there is an eerie feeling which crosses my mind – recollections of those books that I “once” owned.  Books were always my first love. I have always loved to own all the books I read; from comics to classics. But, unfortunately I seldom hang onto them for long. Blame it on my tongue which never stops chattering especially when the topic is “Books’ with a capital B. ‘View sharing’ is something I love and detest. ‘Love’ because it always makes me feel socially forward; ‘detest’ because for every view shared, I lose a book!

The period of borrowing varies from a few days to months and even years when all the hopes of getting the book back vanishes into thin air. The irony of it is when people speak of ‘lending’ the very books which ‘you once owned’!!!!!!!!!!!

But there is always a tiny hope that climbs like a spider in its web and keeps repeating -‘Try, try, try till you succeed.’ And then arises the question, “How shall I get it back?” I think and I think of ways to get it back. I ponder while I rest, I ponder while at work and I still ponder when I read another book which also has a chance of never seeing me again. It is then that my hair started falling,  I grew pale, I lose weight and I begin to spend sleepless nights – Well! Not in Seatle folks!

I would have thought of innumerable ways and after a time lapse of 24 hours, would have discarded it out of the whirlpool of thoughts. And then comes the time when I do hit upon a plan – a plan which might help me see the book again.

I seek the borrower, invite her/him to my house and spend hours speaking about nothing but books. Easy ain't it?! But in the end my friend leaves and am the same person minus some snacks, drinks and my energy! My hope bursts like a bubble. And then I decide to forget the books and forgive the borrower. I make a vow never to lend books again and then when a friend drops by, I’ll find myself breaking the vow I made a short while ago, reminding me once again of my lost books. In the end I feel a lot wiser but never a miser!!!!!!!!

My experience of ownership and ex-ownership of numerous books gives me the wisdom to tell you – “Make sure your shelf is the one that possesses the book you buy – FOREVER! Just don't ask me how! I am still learning!