Thursday, February 17, 2011

My first gray hair

Ouchchch! It was just a month after a 30 something birthday! And I was proud that my hair was still silky smooth and jet black! One of the assets that always drew attention and envy from my friends who now lost count of the grayness in their hair and come up with flashy coloured hair after their regular weekend sittings in the parlour. Never thought my turn would ever come.....but destiny had its best laid plan in store for that night. An usual irresistible quick glance in the mirror at nightfall and something shimmering in the light above drew my complete attention for the next God knows how many minutes. After some careful examination, I let out a loud scream. Not the best way to attract the husband into the bedroom but then that was not my intention you see. 

I recall the ad where the girl screams to her sis when she notices her first silver lining- "My life is finished!" Well!!! My reaction was no different and thats exactly what I told hubby. Men in their usual prime time take a while figuring out such astounding statements that their lady folk make. And my hubby was no different. With great unease and an instinctive pull, I got out that silver strand and showed it to hubby. And what did I see! A smirk playing in the corner of his lips. Oh why God! Why did you not get them to ever empathise with their bestest half when they so dearly crave for those soothing words to calm their sore soul! He chose to walk away than be cursed and therefore left me to whimper alone in the most grayest seconds of my life! Oh! I probably had 'gray'mares the whole night and by morning I woke up with the determination to face the do or 'dye' situation. A walk down to the parlour to ensure I never rediscover gray hairs ever and turned my jet black hair to a burgundy! That was probably the day when I thanked the heaven above for the gray cells that us human kind are blessed with and was pleased with the power to add colour to life. God bless hair dyes!

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